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H&K Behälter- und Edelstahltechnik GmbH
The experts for individual tanks and special designs.
There are no downward limitations as to tank size at H&K. Maximum manufacturing possibilities extend to tanks with a capacity of approx. 60,000 litres and a diameter of approx. 3.90 metres. Manufacturing possibilities cover a range from single components to complete plants with all necessary internals.
In addition to the standard procedures — pickling and passivation — our tanks can be surface-finished with most different methods. Depending on customer’s application, we grind, brush, polish (also electrolytically), or coat your tank. Customized and optimized for the special requirements at the place of installation.
Manufacturing in compliance with international standards requires continuous control. We conduct the following tests for quality assurance, partly supported by our partners*:
All test results are made available to you within the framework of a technical documentation after delivery, if required.
Our products are deployed in a variety of different areas and industrial sectors. Not least emerged from long-standing experience, we have obtained sound knowledge of business-specific requirements in order to be able to deliver best quality for every application. Get convinced by our reference projects from different industrial sectors.