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H&K Behälter- und Edelstahltechnik GmbH
The experts for individual tanks and special designs.


Already since 1932, Simmler in Lauchringen has been producing high-quality jam made of choice-quality ingredients – meanwhile in third generation. In 2009, once again 15 jams have been awarded a DLG (German Agriculture Association) medal.

  • Contact at H&K

  • Mr Joachim Huber
  • Tel: + 49 78 51 70 89 68 – 0 
  • ed.uabretleaheb-kh@rebuH.J
  • Download my business card
  • Contact

  • Franz Simmler GmbH & Co. KG
  • Franz-Simmler-Strasse 1
  • D – 79787 Lauchringen

Franz Simmler GmbH & Co. KG

Kettle for jam

Conical kettle with Ø 1,500mm (top) and Ø 1,300mm bottom, total volume 1,200 l. Jacket as a cone with an opening angle of 22°, top and bottom with torospherical head according to DIN 28011. Rim at the lower bottom 11° towards the outside, at the upper bottom 11° towards the inside, adjusted to the cone. Bottom designed as a double bottom. In the double bottom area with insulation and waterproof sealed sheet cladding.


  1. Parts in contact with the product made of 1.4571
  2. Outer parts made of 1.4301
  3. Insulation made of mineral wool

Surface treatment:

  1. Circular and longitudinal welds ground flush with the sheet surface at the inside
  2. Inner and outer surfaces completely pickled and passivated

Operating data:

  1. The kettles are designed for a max. operating pressure of 1 bar at 170 °C in the interior and 8 bars at 170°C in the double jacket.
  2. Acceptance according to DGRL (Pressure Equipment Directive) 97/23/EG, category IV, module G

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