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H&K Behälter- und Edelstahltechnik GmbH
The experts for individual tanks and special designs.


Christ Goema GmbH in Vaihingen belongs to Christ Water Technology Group, operating worldwide and one of the leading manufacturers of plants for processing and treatment of water, waste water, and process water.

  • Contact at H&K

  • Mr Joachim Huber
  • Tel: + 49 78 51 70 89 68 – 0 
  • ed.uabretleaheb-kh@rebuH.J
  • Download my business card
  • Contact

  • Christ Goema GmbH
  • Steinbeisstrasse 41-43
  • D – 71665 Vaihingen/ Enz

Christ Goema GmbH

Boiling tank with plate heat exchanger

Among other things, we have manufactured for Christ Goema GmbH this plate heat exchanger in various design types that had been part of a plant with boiling tank, condensate tank, condensate heat exchanger, and steam tube. The plate heat exchanger consists of seven rounded-up pillow plates: two plates each being laser-spot-welded, rounded up and flared with appropriate pressure. Moreover, a wiping agitator consisting of 3×8 finger-shaped profiles with screwed-on rubber plates belonged to the heat exchanger.


  1. Plate heat exchanger made of 1.4571
  2. Wiper made of Perbunan

Surface treatment:

  1. Inner and outer surfaces pickled and passivated

Operating data:

  1. The heat exchanger is designed for a max. operating pressure of 6 bars at 80 °C.

What's Next?

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